V/R : Join us on the 'rescue mission', NDC tell GJA.

V/R : Join us on the 'rescue mission', NDC tell GJA.

The Volta regional secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr. James Gunu, has called on the Ghana Journalists Association and media practitioners in the country to join the party in rescuing Ghanaians from the economic hardships bestowed on them by the Nana Akuffo-Addo led government.

The former Akatsi North District Chief Executive made the appeal when he was addressing media practitioners at an end-of-year and induction ceremony of the Volta chapter of the Ghana Journalist Association in Ho on Saturday, November 21.

According to Mr. Gunu, the country at the moment is in turbulent economic situations, with the average Ghanaian facing an upheaval of a consequential hardship.

In his view, it behoves every Ghanaian, including media practitioners to join the NDC in rescuing the nation from an eminent collapse, by voting out a 'failed' NPP government come 2020.

"Ghana is at a crossroad, with the average Ghanaian facing an upheaval of economic hardship under a failed NPP government. It's therefore, the duty of all, including people in the media to join the NDC in rescuing the country from bad governance and to redeem the lost hopes of Ghanaians.

The NDC is on a rescue mission and I want use the opportunity to call on the members of the Ghana Journalists Association to use the pen to rescue Ghana from economic degradation, corruption, nepotism and bad governance, because we all buy the same gas or fuel today, we all buy commodities with higher prices", he remarked.

He added further that the next NDC government would seek to restore the aspirations of Ghanaians and deepen its relationship with the media in pursuing a strong socio-economic growth for the country.

Source: Faisel Abdul-Iddrisu | faiseliddrisu76@gmail.com
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