Jehovah witness Elder plus friend steal gold from shrine
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Two friends including elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses Church dared the gods of Tanokwasi (Taakwasi) to steal gold ornaments from a shrine at Ahenkro a suburb of Nyinahin in the Atwima Mponua District of the Ashanti Region.
A 41 year-old Kwabena Kenneth connived with his friend, Yaw Tawiah who is an elder of Jehovah’s witnesses to steal the precious mineral which weighs about 70.2 kg.
The man was said to have undergoing spiritual purification at his grandfather’s shrine and has since kept it in his room for safety after the grandfather died 35 years ago.
The thieves were unlucky as the gods staged a comeback and revealed Kenneth to a prophetess as the suspect after he was attacked by some strange illness, leading to the arrest of Yaw Tawiah by some family members.
The man was said to have undergoing spiritual purification at his grandfather’s shrine and has since kept it in his room for safety after the grandfather died 35 years ago.
The thieves were unlucky as the gods staged a comeback and revealed Kenneth to a prophetess as the suspect after he was attacked by some strange illness, leading to the arrest of Yaw Tawiah by some family members.
Kenneth later led the family members to his Jehovah’s witnesses friend, Yaw Tawiah for being the man he gave the gods including the gold.
The gods are said to have been stolen for 35 years ago after the demised of their grandfather.
Speaking to Silver FM’s Akwadaa Nyame, Maame Ama Mmra who is the mother to Kwabena Kenneth explained that, Kenneth who stole the gods together with Yaw Tawiah became ill and sent to hospital but couldn’t detect any infections so he was later sent to a prayer camp for spiritual healing where he confess of taking the gods.
Kenneth in his dying bed admitted stealing the gods from the shrine but has since failed to produce it.