Letter to Hon. Pius Hadzide - Prince Yao Amevi
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Dear Pius Enam Hadzide,
It was with great excitement when i heard the announcement of your fellow patriot, Perry Okudzeto as Deputy Minsiter of Information.
My joy was cut short but quickly replaced with profound gratitude to the appointing authority when i heard he was moved and you gallantly took over.
As curious as i always I'm, i went nosing for your competence from those closer to you.
And they told me great things about you
1. A good organiser
2. 'Suuuper' Oratory skills et al
They told me also of your attempt to represent the people of Ketu North in Parliament.
I smiled and said 'we have the men'
I see your MC abilities whenever the Prez visited the region and you shine always.
The purpose of this letter is to ask what my grandmother understands of #COVID19
I mentioned my grandmother because she's one of the aged groups highly susceptible to the virus. What amount of education has she received directly from the source?
I watched you unconvincingly answering questions in Twi on AdomTV.
I have also followed your boss, Kojo beautifully allow for questions in Akan and also made explanations in same language. Before i am misconstrued, let me quickly add that the import of the letter is to take advantage of the vast majority non English population in Volta Region. I also hail the efforts even of the President who after his weekly address gives a word in his native tongue.
I have wondered what's stopping the a deputy information minister lead an ewe drive in COVID-19 education.
There a simple work Plan that fits into the Ministry of Information's bi weekly address.
Do a weekly address across the region after what the MOI does nationally
1. Select 1 radio Station that is online/TuneIn
2. Give a summary of what MOI does weekly.
3. Allow the over 30 radio stations across the region to hook on.
4. Such radio stations would have received questioned from their districts, forwarded to the host station to ask.
5. Allow for call- ins across the region.
6. Give feedback through answers to calls and texts and explain the many interventions by government to the listening region.
The above will have the #whole region listening to a Deputy Minister of State answer their questions directly.
This will bring leadership closest to the led and prevent misinformation.
I hope this letter meets you at a Covid-19 education activity and that you will expedite action on it.
Let's hear explanations as the Minsiter does in Akan in Ewe
Your friend,
Prince Yao Amevi