Health tips: Memory Loss, causes and solutions.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
There are several problems or issues that affects our human minds and causes damage to your brain 🧠and human system at large.
In today's health tips, we're looking at Memory Loss known in the medical field as Amnesia.
Amnesia refers to the loss of memories, such as facts, information and experiences. Though having no sense of who you are is a common plot device in movies and television, real-life amnesia generally doesn't cause a loss of self-identity.
Instead, people with amnesia — also called amnestic syndrome — are usually lucid and know who they are, but may have trouble learning new information and forming new memories.
Amnesia can be caused by damage to areas of the brain that are vital for memory processing. Unlike a temporary episode of memory loss (transient global amnesia), amnesia can be permanent.
There's no specific treatment for amnesia, but techniques for enhancing memory and psychological support can help people with amnesia and their families cope.
The two main features of amnesia are:
- Impaired ability to learn new information following the onset of amnesia (anterograde amnesia)
- Impaired ability to recall past events and previously familiar information (retrograde amnesia).
Most people with amnesia have problems with short-term memory — they can't retain new information. Recent memories are most likely to be lost, while more remote or deeply ingrained memories may be spared. Someone may recall experiences from childhood or know the names of past presidents, but not be able to name the current president or remember what month it is or what was for breakfast.
Isolated memory loss doesn't affect a person's intelligence, general knowledge, awareness, attention span, judgment, personality or identity. People with amnesia usually can understand written and spoken words and can learn skills such as bike riding or piano playing. They may understand they have a memory disorder.
Additional signs and symptoms:
Depending on the cause of the amnesia, other signs and symptoms may include:
- False recollections (confabulation), either completely invented or made up of genuine memories misplaced in time
- Confusion or disorientation
Normal memory function involves many parts of the brain, and any disease or injury that affects the brain can interfere with the intricacies of memory.
Amnesia caused by brain injury or damage is known as neurological amnesia. Possible causes of neurological amnesia include:
- Stroke
- Brain inflammation (encephalitis) as a result of infection with a virus such as herpes simplex virus, as an autoimmune reaction to cancer somewhere else in the body (paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis), or as an autoimmune reaction in the absence of cancer
- Lack of adequate oxygen in the brain, for example, from heart attack, respiratory distress or carbon monoxide poisoning
- Long-term alcohol abuse leading to thiamin (vitamin B-1) deficiency (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
- Tumors in areas of the brain that control memory
- Degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia
- Seizures
- Certain medications, such as benzodiazepines
- Head injuries that cause a concussion, whether from a car accident or sports, can lead to confusion and problems remembering new information. This is especially common in the early stages of recovery. But head injuries usually don't cause severe amnesia.
The chance of developing amnesia might increase if you've experienced:
- Brain surgery, head injury or trauma
- Stroke
- Alcohol abuse
- Seizures
Treatment for amnesia focuses on techniques and strategies to help make up for the memory problem.
Occupational therapy:
A person with amnesia may work with an occupational therapist to learn new information to replace what was lost, or to use intact memories as a basis for taking in new information.
Memory training may also include a variety of strategies for organizing information so that it's easier to remember and for improving understanding of extended conversation.
Technological assistance:
Many people with amnesia find it helpful to use smart technology, such as a smartphone or a hand-held tablet device. With some training and practice, even people with severe amnesia can use these electronic organizers to help with day-to-day tasks. For example, smartphones can be programmed to remind them about important events or to take medications.
Low-tech memory aids include notebooks, wall calendars, pill minders, and photographs of people and places.
Medications or supplements:
No medications are currently available for treating most types of amnesia.
Amnesia caused by Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome involves a lack of thiamin. Treatment includes replacing this vitamin and providing proper nutrition. Although treatment, which also needs to include alcohol abstinence, can help prevent further damage, most people won't recover all of their lost memory.
Because damage to the brain can be a root cause of amnesia, it's important to take steps to minimize your chance of a brain injury. For example:
- Avoid excessive alcohol use.
- Wear a helmet when bicycling and a seat belt when driving.
- Treat any infection quickly so that it doesn't have a chance to spread to the brain.
- Seek immediate medical treatment if you have any symptoms that suggest a stroke or brain aneurysm, such as a severe headache or one-sided numbness or paralysis.
Living with amnesia can be frustrating for those with memory loss, and for their family and friends, too. People with more-severe forms of amnesia may require direct assistance from family, friends or professional caregivers.
It can be helpful to talk with others who understand what you're going through, and who may be able to provide advice or tips on living with amnesia. Ask your doctor if he or she knows of a support group in your area for people with amnesia and their loved ones.