Alumni of Legon Hall call on Speaker Bagbin

Alumni of Legon Hall call on Speaker Bagbin

A twelve member delegation from the alumni of Legon Hall of the University of Ghana has called on Speaker Bagbin to congratulate him on his ascension to the high office of Speaker of Parliament d to deliberate on issues concerning their hall of residence, and the academia in general.
The Hall Master, Dr. Wiafe Apenteng who spoke on behalf of the twelve never delegation, urged the Speaker to use his high office to seek for help to improve the conditions in the hall and in the process raise the image of the hall.
Speaker Bagbin recalled with nostalgia, his stay in Legon Hall and how the experiences gained from there shaped his life. He urged members of academia to take an active interest and contribute to the discourse on politics in order to improve the political fortunes of the country. 

The Speaker,  who entered Legon in 1977 spoke about how his university socialization, premised mainly on his hall of residence, Legon Hall, shaped his character and formed his values. He pledged his support to his former hall of residence in their effort to improve the living conditions and to raise the image of the hall.

So far, Legon Hall has produced two Presidents of the Republic, Professor John Evans Atta Mills and Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo, two Vice Presidents, and two Speakers, Rt. Hon. Peter Ala Adjetey and Rt. Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin.
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