VR: Mafi-Adidome outdoors a new traditional ruler.

VR: Mafi-Adidome outdoors a new traditional ruler.

The Head of Corporate Affairs of the National Information Technology Agency (NITA), Mr. Emmanuel James Atiemo Fiagbenu has been enstooled and outdoored as the new Dufia of Mafi Adidome in the Mafi Traditional Area of the Central Tongu District of the Volta Region at a colourful ceremony at the district capital of Adidome. 

The new Chief was enstooled under the stool name, Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman V by the Kingmakers as well as the Council of Elders of the Toh/Tovie Clan of Mafi Adidome and its associated communities. 

After going through the customary and traditional processes, the Chief was outdoored and presented to the larger family/clan and the entire Adidome Township amidst an eventful procession through the principal streets accompanied by firing of musketry and the singing of traditional ‘asafo’ songs, ending with a durbar at the Market Square.

The enstoolment and outdooring of the new Chief was performed and witnessed by the Council of Elders of the Toh/Tovie Clan with support from the Mafi Paramountcy and the three (3) military wings of Mafi (Awanutorwo). The event was also graced by several Chiefs from the Mafi State and representative chiefs from the Toh/Tovie Clan of Anlo and Togo. The ceremony which was initially meant to be a short and simple programme, also attracted a large number of residents as well as scores of Mafi citizens from within and outside Adidome and the Mafi Traditional Area.

Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman V is the oldest son of the late ‘Hlortator’ Seth Kwabla Fiagbenu (the immediate past head of the Toh/Tovie Clan of Adidome) and the grandson of the legendary Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman III, the late Fia of Adidome.  

Speaking at the function, the new Fia of Adidome pledged to make the development of Adidome his focus. He announced that he would pursue as his main priorities quality education, business development, gainful employment, good healthcare as well as youth development and empowerment.

Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman V stated, “I look forward to working with the community leaders, District Assembly officials, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as well as government and business entities to bring Adidome back on track as the vibrant town it used to be during the reign of Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman III. 

According to the new Chief, it was during his grandfather’s reign that Adidome attracted the interest and attention of the late first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s government which led to the establishment of institutions such as the State farms, Workers’ Brigade, Animal Husbandry and several other public and private institutions ranging from agro-related entities to health institutions such as Ameyi Farms (Gbedemah Farms) to the Adidome Hospital. He recounted that, ‘the goal of my grandfather who lived from 1897 to 1973 was to make Adidome one of the most attractive towns in the Volta Region’, adding that this is still possible in this era of the country’s development.

Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman V promised to implement a responsive and accountable governance in an open-door leadership style that allows all key stakeholders to work together towards what he described as the new era of prosperity for the people of Adidome in particular and the entire Mafi State in general.

The new Fia pledged to work towards the establishment of a scholarship fund for brilliant students from Adidome and its surrounding towns, whilst making skills development and youth employment his focus. 
Speaking at the outdooring ceremony, Togbe Anorba Sasraku IV, the leader of the Middle Wing (Dome) of the Awanutorwo, who presented the new Chief to the large gathering, pledged the support of the Mafi Traditional Council at all times to the new Fia so as to enable him realize his vision for the area. 

Commenting on the enstoolment and the outdooring event on behalf of the Head of the Toh/Tovie Clan, a principal member of the Council of Elders and the Kingmakers and a former Deputy Minister of Communications, Dr Gideon Quarcoo, said the Council of Elders and the Kingmakers of the Toh/Tovie clan were happy to see the traditional rites and enstoolment done in a peaceful manner, following all due processes. He said he looked forward to seeing the community develop under the new Chief with the full backing of the entire family and the clan.
According to him, the people of Adidome had been expecting this event and moment for several decades, adding that the time had come for the people of the area particularly the youth not only to be united but also throw their weight behind Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman V to enable him realize his vision for the onetime vibrant community of Adidome.

Dr. Quarcoo, who is also a former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA), noted that by virtue of its location along the Volta Lake, tourism and aqua-culture development could become the game-changer of Adidome in particular and the Mafi State as a whole. He therefore called for all hands on deck in order to explore and grab such opportunities for the development of the area.
The Toh/Tovie Clan is one of the biggest clans in the Mafi Traditional Area and is believed to be one of the first settlers in Mafi after separating from their brothers from Anlo and Ave, and after escaping and migrating from Notsie. 
The new Chief, known in private life as Mr. Emmanuel James Atiemo Fiagbenu, was born and raised at Adidome. He lived with his grandfather when he was a child. This gave him the opportunity not only to be privy to a lot of chieftaincy matters but also accustomed to the issues of the family, clan, and the entire Adidome Township.

Present at the function included Togbe Boapo IV of Mafi Sasekpe, Togbe Agu Asamankwanta III of Mafi Dove, Togbe Bokor Awuku Tsrakwa III of Mafi Abude, Togbe Dordoye IV of Mafi Zortikpo, Mama Alorvi II of Dorfor-Agorveme, Togbe Kugli Dzogbede V, Dufia of Avenorpedo as well as Togbe Dikenu II of Nogokpo.

Source: Akukorku Media
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