Key Responsibilities of the Presbyter.

Key Responsibilities of the Presbyter.

The word Presbyter originates from the word ' Presbuteros' meaning older or elderly person.

This description was used in the olden days when men and women of advancing years and experience are elected to provide leadership in dignity, experience, and wisdom that comes with spiritual age and maturity.

The Presbyter can simply be define as 'a laity' Leadership position consecrated mainly to provide assistance to the priest or Pastor and the Catechist in the 'management' of the Church.
Key Responsibilities of the Presbyter.
1. Assist the Pastor and Catechist in the discharge of their duties.
2. Help administer the Eucharist and ensure the sacrements and rites are followed to the letter.
3. Stand as a witness at Baptism of Children and help nurture them.
take part in worship activities at all levels.
4. Be stewards of the Church properties, funds.
5. Be active in all District, Presbytery and national issues.
pray for church consciously at all times.
6. Ensure children in the Church are brought up rightly.
7. Visit the sick and the aged, pray for them and provide care.
8. Visit the homes of new members in the view of strengthening them in their Christian Life.
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