Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The newly trained teachers who are on national service duty are calling on the government and stake holders to come and intervene against portfolio assessment.
The newly trained teachers on national service duty were informed in a zoom meeting that their employment depends on the portfolio assessment not only the license exams written.
Hence with that, the National Teaching Council (NTC) have asked all Teacher Trainees on National Service to prepare their portfolios down for assessment.
After hearing this shocking news, the Trainees are pleading with the government to intervene in the process of writing the portfolio assessment.
In addition,they’ve also been asked to produce lesson notes meanwhile majority of head teachers don’t give NSS personnels lesson notebooks.
According to them, they said, "the licensure exams we wrote has been discarded and NTC is now threatening that should a personnel get below 60 percent, he or she will be denied postings".
And therefore,We want the whole process suspended and our licenses given us just like it was given to in-service teachers.
We want the NTC to treat us just as they treated teachers on the field.
We see this to be a deliberate attempt to render trained teachers unemployed.
We want the president and the minister of education to come in and help suspend this.
It will demotivate the assessment program because it’s not intended to serve the interest of teacher but some other authorities elsewhere.
Group leaders
024 655 812 - Mr George
024 964 0016 - Mr Prince