Great Community Royal Basic School supports Keta Municipal hospital maternity ward with relief items

Great Community Royal Basic School supports Keta Municipal hospital maternity ward with relief items


Great Community Royal basic school, a private school at Tegbi-Agbedrafor in the Anlo District of the Volta region has supported the Keta Municipal hospital maternity ward in the Keta Municipality with some food items.

The donated is to help boost nutritional level of nursing mothers to produce good breast milk to feed their newly born babies. The items which includes a basket full of oranges, banana, watermelon, grapes and 30 pieces of hampers containing pampas, washing powder, soap, toilet rolls liquid soap among others.

Mr Dotsey Honest Ashiadey, the headmaster of the school in an interview with ModernGhana News indicated that the gesture is to help the nursing mothers get the maximum nutrients for good breastfeeding. He noted that the management of the school decided to extend a helping hand to the maternity ward, in particular, to express their care to mothers and their babies.

Our main aim is to show love to our mothers and their babies. Maternity ward for me is the most important department of the hospital where our mother battle for life and death during their last hours of delivery, and they need our support,” he stated.

He added that the school will be holding its first graduation ceremony for pupils in the next classes on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Mr Ashiadey added that the support was geared up to grace the the occasion.

Madam Doris Alorse, the nurse in charge of the maternity ward who received the items on behalf of the hospital thanked the leaders, teachers and the student body for their kind gesture. She promised that the nursing mothers will use the items well for their own benefit and that of their newly born babies.

In an interaction, Madam Alorse lamented about how the ward struggle sometimes in getting blood from the blood bank to sustain lives of delivering mothers after losing a lot of blood during the process. She appealed to the general public to engage in voluntary blood donations to help serve lives.

“Infact we need blood in our blood bank to help us keep lives of our lovely mothers,” she appealed.

Madam Dzapkasu Vivian, a nursing mother expressed excitement over the gifts and thanked the leadership of Great Community Royal basic school for their kindness. She said, “l have never received any support or gift from any individual or group of people in my life after delivery before.”

Pastor Gershon Mawutor, the co-patron of the school, Madam Gloria Modzaka, teachers and students were present.

Credits: Modernghana 

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