Why We Delight in Self Sabotage~ Stan writes.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
What would make a reformed alcoholic relapse? The comfort of self sabotage. Getting sober means you are now clear headed to see your problems and start working to solve them. But that's asking him to take responsibility, to make some changes, to do things better, to be disciplined.
And that scares him.
The bottle becomes an escape hatch, a place of comfort, a place where you can pretend that if you just close your eyes for some minutes, the monster standing before you will disappear. It won't.
For others, self sabotage takes the form of constant negative thinking, blaming others, procrastinating on their goals, refusing to take action to change things. If you have ever thought about starting a business, going to school or doing something that requires you to develop some disciplines and a new set of skills, but yet to start; it's procrastination all right and you are scared of change, you want to avoid feeling uncomfortable.
You are not hesitating because you are not capable. You are not holding back because you lack what you need to start. You are postponing a better you in order to not have to become more disciplined and focused, action-oriented.
It's self sabotage. It's you standing in your own way.
Thinking you are inadequate, you can do it tomorrow rather than today, you need more preparation--these are all indicative of self sabotage.
You can never be 100% ready. You can't have it all. There is no such thing as the perfect time to start.
Self sabotage helps you to justify your shortcomings, avoid taking action.
The best time to start was yesterday. The second best time is today, now.
Let's do this.
By Stan Dugah