Saturday, March 12, 2022
The Adumasa Presby Church hosted a Training of the Trainers Cricket course from Thursday, March 10, to Friday, March 11, 2022 with 26 participants from the Gyakiti Circuit of the Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region.
It became very necessary for the only circuit in the district without cricket to get introduced to the gentlemen’s game beginning from getting the Trainers equipped with the three basics of Cricket.
Put together by the Eastern Region Cricket Association and funded by the Ghana Cricket Association (GCA), participants drawn from Sapor, Gyakiti, Adumasa, and Adjena Basics and Junior High schools were treated to theoretical and practical sessions of bowling, fielding and batting.
Facilitators, Cricket Operations Officer (COO), Eugene King, National Male U-19 Coach, Francis Bakiweyem and Secretary of the Eastern Region Cricket Association, Fred Anim Lartey, took their time to teach, train and explain the basics.
Gripping of the ball and bowling action, various ways of retrieving the ball and catches, as well as gripping of the bat, taking guard and various ways of striking incoming balls in bowling, fielding and batting respectively were the skills imparted into the participants.
There were video sessions as well, in addition to the training manuals provided to all Teachers.
Apart from Headmaster and Gyakiti Circuit Sports Organiser, Charles Owusu Asiedu expressing excitement on finally getting Cricket introduced to them, Komla Gbevi Asogba (Sapor D/A Basic), Theodora Ama Sefakor Hayibor (Adumasa Presby Basic) and Elizabeth Eshun (Adumasa Presby JHS) spoke about what they’ve learnt.
“We are so happy to have had this training in our circuit because we were left behind in the district. Personally, I have been watching this game on TV but never made any meaning to it; now I can teach very well, having learnt the various basics, and also enjoy on TV. Very soon, we’ll start forming clubs. I will from here meet all teachers and begin as soon as possible, so that we don’t forget all we’ve learnt.” - Charles
“So many things excite me about cricket. I was imagining how the whole thing will be when I was coming and I must say, I am in love with the game. We need to, from here, go and re-impart it to our kids. I want to try so much and become an umpire. There is a standing and square leg umpire and they play roles in a game.” Komla revealed.
“I am very happy to be part and I realized it was a traditional game that was modified. I wish to learn more and with our kids. I learnt some rules as well as some signals and I am excited about it. The short run, out, free hit, 6 runs and 4 runs and how you reverse a signal. I will love to learn more and become a coach and umpire.” - Theodora desired.
“I initially didn’t want to join, but upon being present, I realized it is a nice game that when you involve yourself, you’ll get lots of benefits. I learnt more on fielding and the catching and retrieving of balls aspect. That excites me because of the team work involved and I will be teaching my kids.” Eshun said.
Secretary to the Eastern Region Cricket Association, Fred Anim Lartey says, as soon as possible, a league will be organized among them.
“This course was really important because we have captured all circuits with the exception of the Gyakiti and we have been fighting for this intro and we finally got it. Now they can also impart it into the community as they have been trained. We officially had 25 participants but a teacher came around and wanted to gain knowledge, so we allowed him. We wouldn’t be shocked to have them starting training next week, per responses. Unfortunately, we will be playing hard ball and so they can form teams here and play among themselves from T10, so by next year, the join the Asuogyaman League.”
COO of the GCA, Prince Eugene King touched on the impact on the participants.
“The impact has really been tremendous, very wonderful, the participants have been very serious, leadership, fantastic work done and I can see the zeal, and a great response from this circuit. Training them on the basics, we laid particular emphasis on the role of a coach in handling children and the terminologies. We will get them equipment within next week.”
Foster Abornu, District PE Coordinator, who happens to be Vice Chairman of the Eastern Region Cricket Association encouraged the participants after the course.
“I encourage you to train with the kids as soon as possible and let’s see what will happen. Though the calendar came late, let’s start something by training them. I will meet your organizers and we will digest the calendar. I wish you well in all your endeavors.”
The ‘icing on the cake’ was when kids around got excited to have Coach Francis Bakiweyem teach them how to bat after official closing of the Course, and had fun together with their teacher who was a participant.
The Ghana Education Service supported the course with the provision of the Official Van to help facilitate transportation of officials, to and fro the venue for the course.
By: Davis Nii Attuquaye Clottey