GIJ's Richard McMillan Library launches new products and services.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
The Richard McMillan Library of the Ghana Institute of Journalism, today, launched its products and services.
The event was geared towards repositioning the Library to promote quality tertiary education.
The Chairman of the event, Prof. Eric Opoku Mensah, Deputy Rector of the Institute, commended the efforts of Library Staff directed towards rejuvenating the library to serve the needed purpose in the teaching and learning process.
The Head Librarian, Mrs Lydia Nyantakyi Baah, thanked the Management for their support and noted that, it was the reason why the library has been able to expand its resources. She said the product and services launch will unravel the numerous forms of support the institution library offers to students, faculty and staff of the Institute.
An online public access catalogue with electronic databases, relevant textbooks and peer-reviewed journals was unveiled at the event.