Isaiah Emmanuel Morter of Belize , Central America .
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Isaiah Emmanuel Morter also known as Isiah Morter was born in Freetown , Belize in the 1860. He was a direct descendants of Igbo from Present day Nigeria who were brought to the Americas during Slave Trade , Others claimed he might be of Edo or Akan Ancestry which is not even accurate to claim such but, he was actually an Igbo by Ancestry and Nigerian by blood
. Morter was Inspired by many African freedom fighters or revolutionists . The late Honorable Marcus Garvey once wrote about Morter when he was growing up fighting the oppositions and difficulties generally surrounded one being born to this condition, until Morter lifted himself to the service for his race and country , he even planted bananas, coconuts and built a fortune and is well known as the Belize’s first colored millionaire.
He was given nicknames such as the Coconut King , Guinea Sigar as well furthermore , he owned Caye Chapel and for his achievements he was honored with the award of Knight Commander of Distinguished Service order of Ethiopia . A Statue of Morter can be found at the end of Albert Street near the Anglican Cathedral of Belize .