Lumina Sophie an Afro-Martinique who rebelled against the French and fought in Martinique.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Lumina Sophie also known as Marianne Lumina Sophie , Lumina Sophie dito Surprise and other names .
She was born around 1848 , Others claimed she born on 1780 and she was a black woman of African Ancestry who participated in a revolt in the 19th Century with other Unknown black freedom fighters such as Lea Galva, Loriane Zacharie there were numerous women who distinguished themselves as freedom fighters who did not accept enslavement passively.
Lumina played a significant role during the event known as the name of the Southern Insurgency in 1870 , Lumina Sophie was enslaved African woman or Afro Matinique of African Ancestry who believed God Inspired her to call on other women to revolt against the French. In 1870 , during the South uprising in Martinique then fought French Oppression , Injustice and racism , She was admired by her people because she had willingness to sacrifice herself for the revolt against the French
. According to Autre Histoire historical account , Lumina Sophie was called Suprise who was born on 5th November , 1848 in Vauclin in Present day Martinique at the house of La Broue, She was a daughter of Philomene Sophie and when her mother was enslaved they were both given the surname of their Slave Owner which is Roptus.
Others believed when Lucima was released during the abolition she was called by the name Zulma but was registered in the state Civil under the name Marie Philomene Sophie , the mother became known as Philomene Sophie Roptus while the daughter was Marie Philomene Sophie .
Lumina was a seamstress who also cultivate and helped her family with cultivating the land. She was Impregnated by her owner , She was also one of the freedom fighter in Martinique in September , 1870 .
Lumina was arrested and sent to the Colonial prison of Fort de France in Present day Martinique , She also fought in French Guiana in 1871 of the month of december before she was murdered or assassinated by the French Colonialist because she liberated her people during the abolition movement and Slavery Period.