Volta: Akatsi Tuime road gets reshaping.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Some benevolent individuals have taken the initiative to reshape the Akatsi-Tuime-Avedakpa Road yesterday Friday 1st July.
This road was in a very deplorable condition for weeks now due to the rains resulting into cars that brings farm products from Ave area getting stuck in the mud everyday. Residents who ply this road has to resort to other means to avoid been similar situation.
According to businesses along this road; the situation saw a decline in their sells and services because it was very difficult for clients to access their shops.
It took private individuals yesterday to contribute their little might to solve the problem...some of them who are into construction made their equipment available.
Special appreciations to:- Hon. Wonder Gatefe, Bright Agbavor, Thomas Agbofa, Augustus Agudze (contructor), Wemegah Gameli (Uprising Ent), Ocloo Marvelous, Foli Hogli (Quaye electricals) and all shops and residents along the Akatsi-Tuime road for contributing to this course.
Source: Rhussianet.com