Philanthropist donates to GNFS
Saturday, September 10, 2022
The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) on Wednesday, 7th September, 2022 received assorted firefighting and rescue equipment from a Philanthropist and a member of the British Royal Army, Mr. Storms Menri.
The donated Firefighting and Road Traffic Collision (RTC) equipment include delivery hoses, Breathing apparatus cylinders, mini drums of foam compound, firefighting suits, communication handsets, helmets, power units, cutters, spreaders, combitools, face masks, back plates, medical supply boxes, rescue jackets and foam pick up tools.
"What motivated me to support the GNFS, was simply my desire to keep the Personnel safe and also enhance their operational efficiency", Mr. Menri said.
He further hinted of donating more Road Traffic Collision (RTC) Equipment in his next project and assured the Chief Fire Officer that he will facilitate a collaboration between the GNFS and the UK Rescue Organization and the World Rescue Organization (WRO).
Mr. Storms Menri believes the collaboration will soon culminate in the running of training courses such as Immediate Emergency Care and Road Traffic Extrication Programs for Personnel of GNFS. "This I believe will go a long way to save more lives", he added.
The Deputy Minister of the Interior, Hon Naana Eyiah Quansah appreciated Mr. Storms Menri and his Partners in UK for their benevolence to the GNFS and reiterated government's commitment to retool the GNFS with modern equipment to enable the Service deliver on its mandate.
The Chief Fire Officer, (CFO), Mr. Julius Kuunuor acknowledged the tremendous efforts that Government is putting in to retool GNFS to become a world class Emergency Service.
He further expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all, both local and foreign, who aided in the delivery of the equipment.
CFO Kuunuor assured Mr. Menri and his benevolent Partners (Fire Aid UK and other Firefighting Departments in UK) to maintain and effectively deploy the equipment to save more lives and properties.q