History of Isaac Woyome,Registrar of the West African Court of Appeal .
Monday, October 24, 2022
ISAAC WOYOME (1882-1969)
The late Isaac Gabriel Kodzo Nornorkuadzi Woyome (simply called Isaac Woyome) was born in 1882. He completed the Roman Catholic (RC) Senior School in 1909 in Keta. After several professional courses, he became the Registrar of the West African Court of Appeal in Ada Foah.
The West African Court of Appeal (WACA) was a court which served as the appellate court for the British colonies of Gold Coast, Nigeria, Gambia, and Sierra Leone. The WACA was first established in 1867 as the appellate court for British possessions in western Africa. It was abolished in 1874, but was revived in 1928.
Isaac Woyome helped to establish the Torgbe Hlitabo Courts in Agave, Asafo Courts in Mafi-Kumasi, and the Amata Courts at Fieve, all in the Volta Region. He was among the Elders who transferred the capital of Agave from Afedome to Dabala.
He brought back the E. P. Church, and School to Mafi-Kumasi in 1918.
He granted land to the Bakpas in the Fieve State at the present location called New Bakpa.
As the Principal Installer of Dumegah Ahadzi Dodo, he was involved in the installation or distoolment of chiefs in the Agave State and the Fieve State. Isaac Woyome was the power of attorney holder and the principal elder of the Afevieme Clan of Fieve and Dufor, and effectively the Head of the Ana State. The Afevieme Clan members are the direct descendants of Torgbe Akalo, the founder of the Great Ana Kingdom.
He instituted a court action to reclaim the Fieve land, which was taken over by the British and their cohorts during the colonial era. He won the case in 1965 in the Supreme Court of Ghana.
He was a great leader of his time and led his people to achieve greatness. The over 10,000 members of the Woyome family, home and abroad, are descendants of Isaac Woyome. Isaac Woyome died in 1969.