Mano People of Liberia and Guinea.
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Mano People can be found in Liberia and some parts of Guinea, they are related to the Kono People and Kpelle People of Liberia.
Mano People occupy the northeastern part of Liberia and some parts of Guinea also Mano is strongly influenced by Mandingo and Gio languages among them they keep cattles, goats, cows are kept and not milked even chicken eggs are never eaten on regular basis.
In their Culture both men and women fish using nets, baslets traps and lines also frozen fishes aee bought in the market in addition they eat fish a great deal and very little meat, wild mushrooms are usually eaten with fish and It is part of their diet.
According to Other accounts Mano migrated between the 17th and 18th Centuries from the North, It is believed Mandingo forced Kpelle to move Southward and other Mande Speaking groups migrated Southward, most of the Mano settled in Present day Southern Guinea later migrated from Present day Guinea and settled in Present day Liberia at the end of the 1800s.
They grow crops such as rice, maize, pineapple, peppers, beans, Okra, Onion, Yam, Coffee and ground nuts as well which is peanuts , they have poro masquerades, the guardian of poro Intiation is a beautiful tradition women masquerades , which is honored as the mother of all other masks, She gather food supplies during Intiation, It is usually owned by female elder within the Intiation center, most of the masks often diaplay red fabric decorations.
According to Garlon Niaga Woe the Original history of these people, Mano ethnic group originated from Republic of Guinea, while Gio migrated from Present day Ivory Coast,.
According to Mr. Stanley Delano Quaye a Liberian Historical Economist , Historian and Banker also him and the grandson of John Gbatu account, Mano belongs to the Mande Speaking groups and has had a long history, Mr. Quaye narrated that Mano migrated from Nubia Present day Sudan and settled in Ancinet Mali Empire subsequently to Present day Republic of Guinea where Mano founded their own Kingdom in Youmou area, they migrated to what is now Present day Liberia between the 16th and 17th Centuries.
Mano were Warriors, they are known for their arts and crafts, In their tradition masks have special names which is used to perform during Intiation In Mano Concept God is known as Wala meaning God the Creator.
It is believed non objects have spirits they also have goblins which are ghosts have friendly relationship with humans and bring good luck but goblins will appear if any one killed some one as the law or Karma the goblins will destory the murderer house and kill the evil person back, goblins respect human and humans also respect them as well.
According to John Gbatu the name " Nimba" originated from Niemba Tun meaning the hills on which young maidens will slip and fall this concept.
It is believed Mano worshipped Wala in what is now Mt. Nimba in Liberia and they occupied major cities and towns in Niemba such as Ganta, Yekepa, San qiquelle and Scalpea among others.
According to Willie Wonutee , he claimed in Liberia people are Idebtified by their counties, citizens within the county speak the same local language or dialect with the exception of Mousserdo county which is diverse, because Monrovia is the nation capital this is not the case of my district Mano.
Gio are considered to be part of the Krahn ethnic group a county owned by Gio and Mano located in lower Nimba county since we are part of Krahn our Ancestors decided to settle among Gio in Nimba and not in Grand Gedeh or Toulepleu.
It is claimed Mano migrated from north and east between 12th and 16th Centuries AD bringing with them elements of Ancient Egyptian or Kemetic Culture such as spinning and weaving cotton, smelting of Iron and Americo- Liberians who are Manos came to Present day Liberia during Back to Africa movement Era from the USA apart from that Mandingo muslim traders and some Akans including descendants who stayed in Present day Liberia for a while before returning back to Gold Coast due to Intermarriages among them and the Indigenous.
People of Liberia, masks play important role connecting them to their Ancestors this means they gained Knowledge and Insight into the future the mask dancer traditionally.
It is believed human Identity is not revealed to Public and In Mano tradition music and dance are very important, Manos sing and dance to honor departed Souls of the dead at celebrations and weddings, traditionally on behalf of Important visitors for fun their culture dances include mask dances which is know for its energy and passion displayed most of them their dance forms not just physical but Spiritual as well.
Mano traditional dancers use this as a way to preserve and passed down stories and traditions, folklores also played a significant role passed down from generation and the stories are very Important to the customs and traditions.