Excerpts from the Changers Conference.
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Glory be to God for bringing all of us to this special program called changers conference. it’s your leader’s heart desire as the coordinator for EPSU in Kodzi, Genui and Atito to help the youths in the union to be dedicated and committed youths in the church – not any other church but our dear mother church. That is Evangelical Presbyterian Church Ghana.
I must also say that am extremely happy for pointing me out of a lot to be the very one to speak to you on this special changers conference. It is my prayer that the Good Lord will grant us good listening skills. May we have a pleasant stay here to enjoy every beat to the program in Jesus name.
There are three key words in the theme that we have to define: Role is defined as the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation, organization, society, or relationship. A technique is a method of doing some task or performing something.
What is revival, do we need revival in the church? I want to tell you what revival is not.
For many people revival amounts to hanging a banner in front of the church with the words “Revival Tonight, 7pm” each night come and experience the power of God. After the so called revival then what next? In contrast, true revival leaves a long term fruit of lasting righteousness.
It comes along with a renewed sense of God’s presence, power and holiness. Revival is about being spiritually restored and revitalized in our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. The word of God, repentance, prayer, unity and the right priorities bring about revival.
If we want revival, then It implies that we are dissatisfied with our condition and want God to break into our routine EP activities with a renewal of his saving word in decisive action. We recognize that we have become sour and declining. It means that we acknowledge our struggle and are asking God for help to wake us up from our slumber and spiritual predicament.
What is happening in the church before we are calling for revival?
I - don’t-carism attitude of many people in the church. Country brokeo country no brokeo, we all we day inside. Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, commits sin James 4:17.
Lukewarm attitude of some people
If you describe a person or their attitude as lukewarm, you mean that they are not showing much enthusiasm or interest. Revelation 3:15-16 - I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Being filled with pride (Proverbs 29:23). We are reminded in Proverbs 16: 18 that “Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Pride and vanity were the cause of Lucifer’s fall (Ezekiel 28:17). We must beware, lest his attitude is reflected in us. If we find ourselves feeling superior or puffed up, we need the humility of revival.
Concerts now draw bigger crowds than prayer meetings forgetting that prayer is the key to ministry.
The master Jesus started his ministry with prayer and ended with prayer. Christianity is joyless and passionless because of unforgiveness and hatred that has built in our hearts that we are not feel compelled to pursue reconciliation.
Make little effort to witness to the lost.
Belonging to secret societies.
Marriages are co-existing rather than full of the love of Christ.
Unwillingness to support the work of God.
Sin in the church is pushed under the carpet.
Watch things on television and movies that are not holy.
Prayers are empty words designed to impress others.
When Ceased to weep and mourn and grieve over our own sin and the sin of others.
when we do not love Him as we once did.
when earthly interests and occupations are more important to us than eternal ones. E.g. when one fails to go to class pains them than coming to church. Luke 18:18 then a certain ruler asked Him, Good teacher, what….
when we have little or no desire for prayer.
when we put people into leadership positions in our churches who do not meet scriptural qualifications.
when we know the truth in our heads but not practicing them in our lives.
when preaching lacks conviction, confrontation, and divine fire and anointing.
when God's people get together with other believers and the conversation is primarily about the news, weather, and sports, rather than the Lord.
when our youths are growing up to adopt worldly values, secular philosophies, and ungodly lifestyles. E.g. LGBQ…
when our singing is half-hearted and our worship lifeless.
when we are bored with worship.
when people have to be entertained to be drawn to church.
when our music and dress become patterned after the world.
when we don’t long for the company and fellowship of God's people.
when people have to be begged to give and to serve in the church.
when our giving is measured and calculated, rather than extravagant and sacrificial.
when we are more concerned about what others think about us than what God thinks about us.
II Chronicles 7:14 writes: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” The unmistakable assurance here, then, is the fact that revival happens where there is repentance, prayer, and humility.
First, we have a Christian role to serve each other. The Bible says, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10) It is in our service that all will see God's grace in action as we demonstrate our faith. Service is the embodiment of Christian love toward others.
Secondly, we have a Christian duty to encourage one another. First Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up." It is easy in this world to become discouraged because of work, relationships and finances. It is through encouragement that people can rise up and overcome any obstacle they may encounter if they believe in themselves. So, it is our Christian duty to help them believe, overcome and stay faithful in a discouraging world.
Thirdly, we have a Christian duty or role to help carry burdens for others. Galatians 6:2 says, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Nobody should have to walk alone in the valley of being burdened. We need to walk with others and share in and lighten the heavy load many carry on their shoulders. Jesus removed our greatest burden at the cross.
Therefore, we -- just as Jesus did -- need to help our brothers and sisters who are lost in the valley.
Lastly, we have a Christian duty to pray for each other. James 5:16 says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." The heavy loads we carry just don't stay in the natural world, but also belong in the spiritual. We must pray for each other. Sometimes when we are tired and burdened we just don't feel like praying. Therefore, we as Christians must intercede for our brothers and sisters and pray on their behalf. Powerful and effective prayer will make all the difference.
The duty of prayer is placed at the head of the list of duties devolving upon the members of the church because, when it is faithfully performed, other duties become easy and more likely to be fulfilled.
The great object to be sought in prayer is the influence of the Holy Ghost; and when the Spirit is present in power with any church, then believers are built up in piety; peace and love pervade the body; members are added, and the blessings of the gospel spread more and more throughout the community.
The various ordinances of the Church were established by her great Head for the accomplishment of the highest ends; they cannot be neglected by her members without their doing so much toward defeating those ends.
To neglect them is to help to destroy them. For Christians to neglect the ordinances is to stand in the way of the conversion of sinners, of the edification of believers, of the promotion of God’s glory, for which they were appointed.
It is the imperative duty of every professed follower of the Lord Jesus to attend upon all the services of the sanctuary when not prevented by obstacles which are insuperable. It is the spiritual home, and shall the children of the household desert it?
The support of the ordinances has been distinctly enjoined or implied under all dispensations of religion. It has not been left to merely temporary impulse or inclination, but has been made a matter of divine institution. This subject needs to be brought before those who connect themselves with a congregation of God’s people, for there are multitudes who seem to overlook it, as if they had nothing to do with bearing the expenses necessary to sustain the worship of the sanctuary—an oversight which surely must arise from want of consideration.
or as the custom of the church may be.
As soon as one has himself found a spiritual home it becomes his imperative duty and role to endeavor to bring others into the enjoyment of the same blessing.
To long for the salvation of others is the instinct of the Christian’s new nature, the prompting of gratitude for the blood bought blessings he has himself received, and the constraining influence of his new and all absorbing love to Jesus.
It is the believer’s nature and his calling to strive to bring his fellowmen to believe. Every man, woman and child has some advantages, some influences, some power, by which they may bring others to the house of God.
The promotion of the harmony of the church is an object which every one of its members should set definitely before him, study constantly and strive after with all his might. It is surprising how much stress is laid on this duty in the word of God.
A full view of it is almost startling; as if it were the one great thing for which the whole church should labor. See how it appeared to the saints of old: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.” See what Paul thought of it when he exhorted: “Be at peace among yourselves;” and again: “If it be possible, as much as live in you, live peaceably with all men.
The enmity of the world against the Church is so intense that all means are used by which injuries can be inflicted on her. It is the unremitting aim of all that is satanic to bruise the seed of the woman.
And of all the means by which this hostility is carried on, there is none more formidable or more frequently resorted to than that of striving to damage the good name of the Church, and so her power for blessing the world.
Hence the demand that every one of the Church’s members should guard that good name, both by defending it against assaults and by seeing to it that he does not himself wound it by unnecessarily exposing the sores of which he may be conscious.
The good name of the Church is her great power.
Giving to the cause of God is an act of worship. The Scriptures put this beyond question: “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase.” There is scarcely a surer method of manifesting our love and the Sacrifices we are willing to make for Him who gave up all, even his life, for us. It is an act of worship which is sure to be followed by the divine blessing, for the promise is, “Them that honor me will I honor;” also, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.
If we want God to send showers of revival blessings, then we must resolve to become a united community. Too often petty little differences among us stifle the work of God in our church.
Sometimes there is no significant difference in ethical behavior between church and unchurch citizens of the world. When it comes to things like honest, integrity, diligence, and moral uprightness, the church and the world have about the same values.
Interest in sports is not all wrong, but it is harmful if it becomes so demanding that, there is not a great amount of time for devotion to things of God. I wish the church members could muster up as much enthusiasm for Bible study and family worship and visiting the sick as they do for the ball games.
We will never build a strong church unless it is Bible – centered. Only as we respect and seek to obey the written word of God will the church revived. We must repeatedly renounce our own human opinions, and gladly accept God’s instructions as given in the Bible.
When it comes to the matters of the kingdom, prayer is not a key. It is the key! In other words, you need to pray to unlock the revival that you seek in your church. Praying is a means of communication with God.
Taking this action helps open your eyes to certain things that you must do to revive your church. Jeremiah 33:3 tells us to call on God, and He will answer and show us great and mighty things that we didn’t know. That’s how powerful prayer is.
One of the signs of a dying church is a decline in attendance. Organizing outreaches can help you increase attendance remarkably. Find out the significant needs in your community and partner with other bodies to meet these needs.
An outreach is a two-edged sword. While it is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards your community, it attracts people to your church. An example is holding a sports/health meeting in your neighborhood. Another example is cleaning the environment and handing out souvenirs to invite people to church.
It’s hard enough for members of your congregation to bring in more believers. Asking friends who may be skeptical, or just not religious, is even more challenging. Make it as easy as possible for people to share their faith. Consider making one day of the week a “bring-a-friend day.” This will encourage group participation and make it less scary for the new visitors to come, because they’ll know there will be plenty of other fresh faces too.
Would you watch a movie without seeing a trailer? Neither would we. Many first-time visitors feel similarly about attending a church for the first time. Give potential members a sneak peek of what they can expect by posting short, inspiring videos from your sermons on social media.
No need to have a professional crew to do this! Set up an iPhone on a tripod, trim down your favorite clips, then post. This will help spread your mission, and the word about your church.
As we outlined above, there are many reasons why someone hasn’t been to church in a while. They could be a nonbeliever, or maybe life just got in the way. Regardless of the reason, returning to church after a long stint away can be intimidating.
Do everything you can to make new visitors feel comfortable. Understand that they may want to ease back into religion slowly.
Ask for their email and phone number so that you can offer them resources and more information. Remember, one of the most important keys to growing church attendance is member retention, and that starts with the first visit.