The African Tribe or ethnic group in USA ( Gullah People of USA)
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
The Gullah is an African ethnic group In USA they are descendants of enslaved Africans who came to USA or America during Slave Trade who kept their African Culture . The Origin of the phrase “Gullah” is said to be unknown others believed the word “ Gullah” came out of a West African ethnic group known as Gola which is an ethnic group in Sierra Leone and Liberia, Others claimed Gullah came from their Angolan Ancestors who used the word known as Gullah.
According to Ailani’s historical account or narrations on the Gullah People of USA, Nearly a half a million the Gullah ethnic group had lived between Jacksonville , North Carolina and JacksonVille , Florida this modern day this 500 mile along the Atlantic Ocean and over and between the rivers that surround it is home to the descendants of Africans captured to the Carolina Colony in the beginning of the late 1500s . For nearly the 5 centuries , their lives have been economically and politically tied to the regions and the cash crops, needed for its success whether it be rice or tourism .
Gullah can be found in places such as around Wilmington , North Carolina , Georgetown , Charleston , South Carolina , Savannah and Jacksonville , Florida figure prominently in the Gullah oral story from the beginning to now . It is said their Origins and history began on the West African Soil . During Slavery , they were Africans captured , destined for the American Plantations , were often retained in holding cells along the West African Coastlines . By the mid 1700s , Africans dominated the Slave labor forces .
They became the muscle and mind behind the rice and cotton Industries that once lined the waters of the Carolina Slave Coast their knowledge of farming , rice , rice cultivation , along with their labor , made the Gullah the most desired and sought after the labor of the agricultural South .
It is believed they were farmers and became the wealthiest businessmen in Pre-Civil War America . In the early period , Enslaved Africans reserved the name “ Gullah” for certain members of their communities . It is used more as a handle or prefix as it was the case of Golla Jack in the Denmark Vessey Conspiracy of 1822 . The Gullah have always embraced their rich African Cultures which survived in America the diaspora .
They are also acknowledged for their contributions to the growth, development and success of the rice and Sea Island cotton industries of the Slavery era . It is believed The similarities in the African and American names of these groups , the Golas ( Gullahs) and the Gizzis ( Geeches) , could very well be source of the Importance placed on whether one is called Gullah or Geechee this modern day .
During the early days of freedom , their underpaid labor contributed to the regrowth and recovery of the region they inhabited . By the 1940s , the shift from agriculture to tourism made them the dominate labor force in and of the hospitality Industry , the Chief Industry , the Chief Income in every state wherever they reside in large numbers modern day . In the 21st Century , the 500 mile region where the Gullah live is nationally recognized as endangered land right within our midst .
According to Cultural heritage Corridor historical account , The Gullah or Gullah Geechee People are descendants of enslaved Africans from different part of Africa and came from ethnic groups such as Fon , Aja, Gola , Mende, Temne, Yoruba , Igbo , Akan and other ethnic groups across West and Central Africa .
They were captured to America which considered as the diaspora or new world by European slave traders and they were forced to work on the plantations of the coastal South Carolina, Gerogia, North Carolina and Florida, USA. The Gullah Geeche have retained many aspects of their African heritage due to the geographic barriers of the coastal landscape and the strong sense of African Pride.
According to Charles Coclock Jones Jr, Margaret Washington Creel and Galileo’s historical account, Many traditions of the Gullah Geeche Culture were passed from one generation through language, agriculture African Spirituality Including the concept of Libations. The Culture has been linked to a Specific West African ethnic groups who were enslaved on the Island plantations to grow rice, Indigo, and cotton which started from 1750.
The Rice plantations fostered Georgia’s sucessful economic competition with Other enslaved base rice economies along the eastern seaboard. Coastal Plantations invested primarily rice, and plantations owners sought out Africans from West Africa such as Present day Benin, Senegal, Sierra leone, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia, the enslaved rice growers from West Africa brought with ancestral knowledge of how to make tools needed for rice harvesting, Including fanner baskets for winnowing rice.
The Sweet grass basket found in the rice culture of West Africa. Sweet grass baskets also were used for carying laundry and storing fire for firewood, how to select palmetto, sweet grass, pine straw to create baskets, and to decorate art for primarly tourist.
The Gullah Spiritual Songs.
The Gullah Spiritual Songs were believed to have its roots from West Africa among Mende, Temne and Gola People of West Africa.Spiritual songs developed on the plantations. Although most of the song some had Christian message. The melodies of the songs were similar to the Sierra Leone and Liberian songs.Enslaved Africans worshipped the Creator together in one- room meeting places called Praises houses.
The small buildings became the center of the Gullah Community, Slave Owners described everything Ungodly so they ban drumming on the Slave Ships even when they arrived in America but Gullah kept their African rhythm with handclaps and foot stomps, they perform traditional dances such as ring shout while they sing and they move together in a circle.
The isolation of the Gullah Community lasted throughout the period of Slavery and continued even after the U.S. Civil War which they even contributed from 1860- 1865 and fought in with other African American Soldiers and the emancipation of enslaved Africans.
The Gullahs on the mainland continued to work on the rice plantations as wage laborers after gaining their freedom, but the rice economy of South Carolina and Georgia collapsed after about 1890 due to competition with rice farmers farther west in Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. On the sea Island, the rice and cotton plantations were abandoned after the Civil War.
The first bridges were built in the 1920s, and a decade later there were still elders. Many people have found economic opportunities outside the area, and return only occasionally for holidays and family gatherings the Gullahs are no longer Isolated they have a strong Influence on African culture in America and they continue to cherish their rich African roots.
Gullah performed many traditional dances such as Gumbo Island dance, Ring shout, Geeche shouters, Gerogia Sea Islands dance, buck dance, Gimme de knee bone bent and other dances and story telling were kept.