Brief background of Solomon Adonoo
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Solomon Adonoo is a classical musician and Horn player who’s currently receiving further studies in Classical music, Horn playing as well as Music Pedagogy.
He received his basic education at Abor E.P. Basic and continued to Abor Senior High School where he studied Geography, Economics and Elective mathematics and completed in June 2011. Later that year, he applied to be enlisted into the Ghana Police Service, a process which was completed in June 2013 with him passing out as Best Recruit in Foot Drills. He was posted to the Accra Regional Headquarters Operation where he served for a period of Six months and was later moved to the Police Central Band, a unit he originally applied for while applying into the Ghana Police Service.
At the Police Central Band, he was instrumental in reforming the Police Choir which rose to quickly become a favorite within the Presidential and Diplomatic community for their professional musical and disciplinary qualities which were visible in their performances. He then decided to professionally certify his craft as a musician and sat for the ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal School of Music) exams in May 2015 in Horn. He later sat for the Music Theory examination which was organized by the same organization in 2016 and passed with flying colors and later went on to study a two semesters course in Band mastership at the Methodist University College, a course which was curated and introduced by the Director of Bands of the Ghana Police Service ACP/Dr. Frank Hukporti, who has since been his boss, mentor and a great support for his music career.
In August 2015, eight German Musicians paid a visit to Ghana and organized a two-week workshop for the Police Bands and other security services Bands. He developed a relationship with their leader Stephan Flore who happens to be a horn player himself. Solomon took advantage of this friendship and got some lessons from Mr. Flore. This friendship developed quickly into a strong bond which saw lessons given even when Mr. Flore returned to Germany.
The Police Band was subsequently invited to Germany in October 2018 of which Solomon was part of. He got introduced to the Professor of the Horn department Prof. Norbert Stertz at the Hochschule für Musik, Detmold and got some firsthand lessons as well as a test exam on the spot to ascertain his eligibility into the University.
Solomon subsequently got admitted into the university in October 2019 and has since been received tremendous education. He also performed with several German String and Wind orchestras. He is currently the Director of the Wind Band in the Evangelical Reformed Church Oerlinghausen as well as conducts private lesson for Brass wind instruments.